Hostels Sanremo - Youth hostels in Sanremo

Hostels Sanremo - Youth hostels in Sanremo

HOSTELS SANREMO click on the name of the hostels to book (small deposit with Visa, Mastercard or Paypal, the remaining is due on arrival at the hostel). It takes only 2 minutes to book the hostel in Sanremo of your choice at the best price.




(4 Hostels)
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1Pollon Inn San RemoVia Pallavicino 17,San Remo From € 17
Reviews Pollon Inn San Remo (90.83 %) 90.83 % map
Pollon INN is a small graceful three rooms inn all rennoved situated in the main center of Sanremo. we are really close to the most important Sanremo's attractions and...
2Londrino Apartments SanremoPiazza Colombo 17,San Remo From € 17
Reviews Pollon Inn San Remo (90.83 %) 90.83 % map
In Square Columbus, Sanremo center Londrino Apartments welcomes its guests with a choice between residence or hotel or B&B formula Therefore it's ideal for long stays,...
3Memole Inn SanremoVia Mameli 18,San Remo From € 20
Reviews Memole Inn Sanremo (80 %) 80 % map
We are located in the very city centre. Memole Inn Sanremo is a small hotel equipped with the most updated technologies.The management is remotely and fully...
4Sakura Inn SanremoVia Cavour 29,San Remo From € 20
Reviews Memole Inn Sanremo (80 %) 80 % map
Sakura Inn is the ideal setting for a holiday and an unforgettable stay in Sanremo. Cherry blossomis the Japanese word meaning 'Sakura', a way to express the inseparable...

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