Clock Tower Lucca

Clock Tower Lucca 

Torre delle Ore (along via Fillungo) has 207 steps that will lead you to spectacular views of the city from its highest vantage point. In addition see the public clock (of which the tower gets its name) dates from 1754 and was built by a Swiss, Louis Simon. It's hand-wound. The Torre delle Ore is not lacking a legend or two and comes complete with its own ghost! See also Torre Guinigi.

Torre delle Ore - LuccaAt the time, Lucca boasted 130 tall towers, today there are only 2 of particular importance: the clock tower and the Guinigi Tower. At the time, the noble families competed to build the tallest towers, often these collapsed with great satisfaction and jeers from rival families. The clock tower survived due to the fact that it housed a clock; essential at the time. The other Tower survived, Guinigi Tower, dating back to the late 1300s. On top of it there are large oak trees, which can be seen from a distance. Both are excellent vantage points for an overview of the city and offer the opportunity for a good photograph.

Torre delle Ore - LuccaInside the Clock Tower in Lucca

Indirizzi e direzioni

Torre civica delle Ore di Lucca

Via Fillungo (historical centre)


gen-feb: closed
mar: 9,30 - 17,30
apr-may: 9,30-18,30
june-sept: 9,30-19,30
oct: 9,30-17,30
nov - dec: close

€ 4,00

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